Refund Policy

At RealtyCMS, we are committed to providing quality software that meets your needs. We appreciate your business and strive to ensure your satisfaction with our service. If we fail to meet your expectations, we have created this policy to outline what we will do.

Monthly Subscriptions: If you are dissatisfied with our service at any time during the first month of use, please contact us at We will do our best to address your issue, provide a workaround, or offer a timeline for a solution that meets your needs. If you are not satisfied, we will issue a FULL REFUND for your purchase, and downgrade your account to the free plan.

Annual Subscriptions: We do not require an annual subscription as a condition of using our services. We offer annual subscriptions at a discounted rate as a convenience to our customers. If you are dissatisfied with our service within the first 45 days of use, please contact us at We will do our best to address your issue, provide a workaround, or offer a timeline for a solution that meets your needs. If you are not satisfied, we will issue a FULL REFUND for your purchase, and downgrade your account to the free plan.

We want you to be happy with our service throughout your entire contract, not only the first 30 or 45 days (in case of monthly or annual subscriptions, respectively). If we remove, break, or discontinue functionality that was available when you signed up, please notify us immediately. If we fail to address the issue within any promised timelines or if we are unable to provide a satisfactory workaround, we will issue a PRO-RATED REFUND for the remainder of your contract.

Partial Downgrade of Annual Subscription: If you partially downgrade your annual subscription during the subscription period, you will receive credits in the form of an extension of the subscription for the active licenses. The discounts that were applied will be excluded when calculating the amount of credits. The value of the unused license is equal to the total amount paid minus the monthly list price times the number of months used.

Auto-Renewal: Your monthly and yearly subscriptions will auto-renew until you cancel the service. Before each renewal, we will send an email specifying the amount that will be charged to your credit card. After each renewal, we will send a receipt via email that specifies the amount deducted, the next renewal date, and the next renewal amount.

Cancellation: You can cancel your monthly or annual subscription within five business days after your renewal date and receive a FULL REFUND. Please email us at to cancel your subscription.

Exception to our Refund Policy: Please note that we will not entertain a request for refund (FULL or PRO-RATED) when we have suspended or terminated your access to RealtyCMS due to a violation of our Terms of Service.

For any questions or concerns about our refund policy, please contact us at